About the tutorials

The Gardian Cello Method textbook series takes students from the fundamentals all the way to the highest levels of cello playing and technique. In a systematic, step-by-step manner, the curriculum teaches students everything needed to understand and master the cello.

The volumes are uniquely designed to harmonize the knowledge of different music theories and the playing techniques in a clear and cohesive system.

Logical structure

Thanks to the transparent and flexible structure of the curriculum, it is easy to tailor lessons to developing students’ individual needs, allowing them to accelerate learning at an optimal pace.

Lessons are divided into thematic units, creating a logical and pleasant progression of skill learning and deepening technical knowledge. These thematic units aid skill development in a variety of different ways; scores, practices, and pieces for piano accompaniment are also found within its’ pages.

In addition to the curriculum, the textbooks contain a complete explanation of symbols and musical and technical terms, as well as the text of folk songs and a brief biography of the authors of these musical works. These notes can be considered a mini-lexicon and help broaden the knowledge of students with different musical abilities and backgrounds.

The textbooks are suitable for those preparing for a professional musical career and those who play strictly for enjoyment.

Well-selected, wonderful music

Our textbook series is a pedagogically and musically sound collection. Its diverse musical material makes learning experiential and effective for students of all levels.

Gardian Cello Tutorials present some of the most beautiful pieces in the world: Hungarian, European, and world folk music gems, classical cello pieces, and etudes essential for deepening technical knowledge and training.

The authors of books studied music in many parts of the world, which shows in their magnificent compositions. Touching upon Hungarian traditions, educational guidelines found in both Eastern and Western cultures have been combined. This approach resulted in developing a new curriculum appropriate for the 21st century. Internationally known classical cello pieces alongside modern musical compositions have been renewed with a fresh spirit.

Supervised, high-quality

The collection in the textbooks showcases a rich diversity of world-class musical quality. The Gardian Cello Method’s creative and editorial work adheres to the highest professional standards overseen by prominent professors of Hungarian Universities and the Academy of Music in Budapest, namely: Károly Ádám, Jenő Jákó, Tamás Kedves, Endre Lengyel, László Mező, Csaba Onczay.

The many valuable ideas and suggestions offered by outstanding, practicing professors helped to finalize the textbooks. Andás Borgulya and Lajos Huszár supervised the choice of musical works added. Some were even specially composed by these composer-professors to enrich the appeal and usefulness of the material.

Visually appealing with practical supplements

Thanks to the excellent conception and musical notation work, a Hungarian – English – Chinese language version of the musical score was brought to life. Sheet music in Cello Tutorial textbooks is composed in such a logical and elegant manner that even the sections detailing the piano accompaniment require nearly no page turning.

The Gardian Cello Method tutorial sheet music’s elegant structure and visual layout are complemented by László Ádám’s lovable cartoon character illustrations of a hamster. The graphics are intimately linked to important sections covering various technical tasks. Hamster figures appear on the textbook pages and follow along with the students’ progress conveying a sense of adventure, fun, and humor.

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