


Lajos Huszár
他在专业上最大的成就是编写了第一本匈牙利大提琴教材。《加德安大提琴教程》是匈牙利乃至欧洲大提琴教学传统的结晶,连接了过去几个世纪的精华和 20 世纪以来的创新。它也是大提琴教学面对 21 世纪挑战的重要专业指南。
Lajos Huszár has been awarded the Bartók-Pásztory Award, the Erkel award and the Artisjus award, the highest national prizes that a composer or musician can attain in Hungary.
His lifes’ best work is perhaps represented in his lyrical work, which, create a synthesis between tonal and atonal compositional styles.
In the wake of Béla Balázs’s tale, written in 1994-98, the opera piece entitled “The Silence,” won third prize at the Hungarian State Opera competition.
As a former professor at the University of Szeged Faculty of Music, the Bartok Bela Conservatory in Budapest and the Nyíregyháza College, he produced outstanding work in Hungarian musician training. In addition, he was an active member in a number of professional organizations, namely: The Hungarian Music Association, the Academy of Music in Budapest Doctoral Committee, the Hungarian Composers’ Union, and the Hungarian Academy of Arts.
After the death of composer András Borgulya, Lajos Huszár continues to ensure the highest musical quality developed and used by the Gardian cello textbook series. In addition, he composes beautiful pieces, transcriptions and piano accompaniment to complete the unique musical system of the Gardian Cello Method.
https://mmakademia.hu/alkoto/-/record/MMA19880 https://www.artisjus.hu/artisjus-dijak/huszar-lajos/

Norbert Szabó
music notation

László Ádám
Norbert Szabó, flute player, a teacher at the Béla Bartók Faculty of Arts of Szeged University, at István Vántus Secondary School of Music of Szeged. In addition to his outstanding professional success, he made good progress in the development of digital tools and methods used in Hungarian music education.
Beyond his teaching and performing activities, he is a member of the Doctoral School of Education of the University of Szeged, where he conducts gap-filling research in the field of pedagogical methods applicable to digital music education.
Graphic artist László Ádám was born in 1955 in Budapest. After graduating from high school, he joined Pannonia Film Studio. Since then, he has been working mainly on creating various Hungarian cartoons, animations, and other graphic works and illustrations.
The figure of the cello-playing hamster in the textbooks of Gardian Cello Tutorials was created at the request of composer András Borgulya and cellist Gábor Gárdián. Over the past years, he has been working on new cartoon illustrations for the cello book series. For the children’s delight, he added many fun scenes that follow along with the student’s progress and (sometimes tiring) practicing routine, conveying a sense of fun and humor.