
“Well chosen musical material is worth its’ weight in gold. It brings joy to students, teachers and audiences alike.”

he Gardian Cello Schools’ diverse music collection boasts pieces that are appropriate for all levels of cello playing, and promises many joyful moments for students learning to play the cello.
Aside from being diverse, each and every piece is tested by top composers who check for accuracy on all levels.
The musical notation is world class and recognized as one of the best in the field, ensuring smooth, effortless learning.
​Lessons contain specific technical skills adjusted for each students’ ability, allowing them to master those skills and a fun manner, from beginner all the way to the most advanced levels. 

The selection of music compiled by the Gardian Cello School was partly inspired by international pieces. The authors also sought out traditional, old world cello music that had long been forgotten, and pieces that were worthy of being chosen to be a part of the renewed curriculum. This specially chosen selection of cello music was then reborn in its’ new form as part of the Gardian Cello Method Tutorials.
The music of many Nations can be found in the Hungarian-English textbook series. Using the folk music of different Nations, students of all abilities will find skill specific exercies written specifically for them, as well as practical knowledge of cello playing. The folk songs found within the textbooks are not only beautiful etudes and classical cello pieces, they also have tremendous practical value from a learning standpoint. In other words, these tutorials contain all that is necessary to learn the cello, and is both practical and beautiful at the same time.

The musical heritage of cello playing is represented in the Gardian Cello Tutorials. It introduces musical trends and meets the expectations of the 21st century. The Gardian Cello School’s system inspired the composing of many new pieces. Thus, the tutorials include well-known beloved cello pieces of contemporary works, complemented by the fresh spirit of classic pieces.
​​​The works of Bela Bartok and Zoltan Kodaly are presented, as well as some of the most beautiful pieces by contemporary Hungarian composers such as Lajos Bárdos, András Borgulya, Ferenc Farkas, Frigyes Hidas, Balázs Horváth, Barnabás Horváth, Lajos Huszár, Rudolf Maros, Imre Mező, Attila Reményi, Sándor Szokolay, Balázs Szunyogh, István Vántus.
A member of the Hungarian Composers’ Association said: “Gabor Gardian has completed one of the biggest achievements in music pedagogy.” – referring to the compilation of this unique and highly saught after textbook series for cello learning.

This diverse and rich collection is world class not only in the variety of its’ conceptual layout, but also in terms of musical quality. The work is of the highest professional standards. Thanks to composer, András Borgulya, the etudes and pieces found in the volumes are of the highest quality. After the death of András Borgulya, composer – professor, Lajos Huszár took over and continued Borgulyas’ work with the Gardian Cello School, ensuring continued excellence and quality.

The Gardian Cello School guarantees high-quality music that cello students and teachers the world over will enjoy and find incredibly useful. Teachers, students, and music lovers alike will find many golden nuggets within the pages of these tutorials that they will enjoy for years to come.

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